Monday 29 November 2010

Yabba Gabba Do!!

The first Ashes test of 2010 finishes in a high-scoring draw, but which team can take the most confidence out of the game going into Adelaide on the 3rd December? If I had been asked that question on day three there is no doubt in my mind that the answer would have been Australia, having watched them secure a 221 run first innings lead. But how quickly this game can change.

It may have been over eighty years since all of England’s top three batsmen made a ton in the same innings, but my god was it worth the wait. Declaring on day five with the score at 517-1, England had absolutely destroyed the old enemy physically and judging by the number of dropped chances mentally as well. Australia did prove that it was still a good wicket in the last session, only losing Simon Katich in their second innings to avoid an embarrassing loss.

I’m sure all viewers will agree that we have seen an Australian demeanour over the last couple of days that has not been visible for many a year. What has happened to the cut-throat, no-holds barred opposition we have come to expect? Watching the likes of Clarke drop little lollypops in the slips and Mitchell Johnson spray it around like a fifteen year-old village cricketer on a Saturday is not what the doctor ordered for Ponting and his men.

Credit where credit is due though. Alistair Cook (235 no), Jonathan Trott (135 no) and Andrew Strauss (110) have shown the mental strength to bat long, proving that England’s current line up contains personnel who are more than capable of going on to get a big score. Just imagine what may have happened if we saw some KP fireworks last night...

Having seen the Australians leave the field a dejected side to a crowd that only appeared to be of English contingent gave me a warm buzz inside. The Barmy Army were on top form yesterday, chanting songs such as “Ali Cook, Ali Cook, Ali Ali Cook” and my personal favourite, “There’s only one Mitchell Johnson”. It was good to see they were enjoying the 25 degree heat we at home seem to be missing out on.

Maybe we Poms are getting too over excited once again as it is still nil-nil in the series. But England undoubtedly came out of the match with their heads held high and with the momentum going into the next test. So it’s “Yabba Gabba Do” as we leave the city of Brisbane, but just imagine what could have happened if we still had our very own Freddie with a Kookaburra cherry in his hand....

Thanks for reading!

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